Latest Graun prod in the creeping campaign to do something Remainerish -- Swiss deal? Norway again?Full rejoin?
Brexit has worsened shortage of NHS doctors, analysis shows
Exclusive: More than 4,000 European medics have chosen not to work in NHS since Britain left EU, data reveals
Official figures show the NHS in England alone has vacancies for 10,582 physicians.[That is,overall] ...Britain
has 4,285 fewer European doctors than if the rising numbers who were
coming before the Brexit vote in 2016 had been maintained [NB!] since then,
according to analysis by the Nuffield Trust health thinktank which it has shared with the Guardian....a “slowdown” in medical recruitment from the EU and the EFTA quartet [NB!] of Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Lichtenstein....longstanding [NB!] doctor shortages – anaesthetics, children, psychiatry, and
heart and lung treatment – failing to keep up with a demand for care
heightened by Covid and an ageing population [NB].
Not just EU medics then, but a general shortage, a 'slowdown' which includes EFTA countries, a background of 'longstanding shortages', and a 'heightening' due to Covid and an ageing population.
The background is the general campaign to reintroduce cheap migrant labour from the EU that has bubbling under for a while:
The findings come amid calls from business leaders for ministers to rethink how immigration into Britain works to help overcome economy-wide labour shortages. These have deepened in recent years, partly as a result of the UK ending automatic free movement for EU nationals. The Confederation of British Industry has been particularly vocal in that demand.
While we are here:
Brexit has had a far more damaging effect on the NHS’s ability to hire nurses from the EU. While 9,389 nurses and midwives who had trained in the bloc came to work in Britain in 2015-16, only 663 did so in 2021-22, data released by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) in May showed. However, that dramatic drop has been offset by a huge rise in the number of those professionals coming from the rest of the world, notably India and the Philippines, the regulator said
This has been discussed before,and another factor was the increased number of jobs available in the bloc as their economies picked up
Research published in March 2021 * found Brexit had left many European doctors already in the UK feeling unwelcome, alienated and insecure about their future working lives in Britain....A spokesperson said: “This analysis is inaccurate and we don’t recognise or agree with its key conclusions. We are making significant progress in training and recruiting a record number of nurses, doctors and healthcare professionals. There are over 9,000 more nurses working in the NHS and there are over 26,000 more hospital doctors now than in 2016.”