Saturday, 24 June 2023

Seven years on -- and some proper analysis

Excellent analysis of the  crisis today in The Full Brexit, especially the short and punchy piece originally published in the Northern Star by G Hoare, pointing to the 'zombification' of the British state as elites sought alliances with their European (and other international) allies and effectively abandoned the need to gain consensus within the national system.

This is a left-wing version to go along with the more familiar right wing 'replacing the electorate' variant which says the liberal petty-bourgeoisie also sought to use international governmental force to impose their worldviews and values by law, knowing they would never persuade the British electorate to adopt them by consent, so attempting to sidestep them. This is directed at all the woke stuff usually, but there is a hard core of 'modernisation' and marketisation.

Global capitalism and personal liberalism have always gone together, of course, as far as the very rich are concerned. 

The petite bourgeoisie hate both the proletariat below and the traditional elite above, and have them both on the list for the tumbrils, choosing targets by opportunity. 

Climate change might have disillusioned them with the globalists for now, but new solar technology and successful car batteries will win them over again no doubt.They will never forgive the proletariat, however, for their supposed (symbolic) racism or sexual intolerance.

Successfully 'developing a new relationship with Europe' for electoral purposes will probably mean adopting (private) human relations stuff, environmental protections (as long as it doesn't restrict agribusiness too much), and lots of other symbolic gestures -- flying Ukrainian flags alongside LGBTQIA+ ones? Increasing the number of celebratory minority days? Decolonising the high street?

Sunday, 18 June 2023

Fall of Johnson -- Remainer orgasm

 Dear God it has been bad. I am no fan of Boris and I worried all along that Brexit was left in his hands, but his fall has encouraged the prats no end. Take this:

Brexit was Johnson and Johnson was Brexit. Now that he has gone, Britain must think again

The disgraced former PM and our disastrous exit from the EU were umbilically linked. His fall presents a precious opportunity

Part of this, but not all of it, is about the lies that were integral to both Brexit and Johnson’s fall....lies about Brexit were also the reason why he got into No 10 in the first place. His political banishment and humiliation for one set of lies ought to call into question his earlier political coronation for a different set.

these past few days are fundamentally about Brexit. Until recently, Brexit had become a taboo. It felt inevitable that a generation would have to pass before it was politically possible for a new form of relationship to be constructed with the EU that would undo the harm of the vote in 2016. Economic struggles, the challenges of climate and migration, and the war in Ukraine all make the need for that rebuilding more pressing. A steady shift in public opinion towards closer cooperation, followed by Johnson’s fall, now opens the door to a much more determined re-engagement....
the biggest lie that Johnson ever told, and the one that was most widely believed, was over Brexit. It has resulted in the largest piece of damage of the many he inflicted on the country. Johnson’s fall and unpopularity ought, therefore, to reopen Britain’s relationship with Europe. That is too big a question for this or any other future government to keep locked away in the too-difficult box. It is time, in other words, to take back control.

Pretty desperate stuff, indicated by the really sad links, even for a Graun journalist. They could never make up their mind if they hated Johnson more than Brexit, the upper-classes or the lower. 

The symbolic nature of the whole thing is still clear -- what on earth would  reopening the relationship with Europe actually mean? More free entry for European fruit pickers? Even cheaper strawberries (it's been a great crop this year). Purple passports again? Joining the Euro? More fees for the EC?