Friday 21 April 2017

Not exactly fake news

Just to bring it up to date, May declared a snap election for June 7th, taking everyone by surprise, including the smug idiot N. Watt on Newsnight whose schtick is to pretend he is intimately informed by Cabinet insiders when he trots out his own views.

Anyway, luvvies have decided it all calls for an alliance  of the Good and Metropolitan to defeat the Govt, largely on the grounds that May announced she was fed up with all the internal threats to delay Brexit. If she wins the predicted majority, it will be a mandate to proceed, she argues. Before we go any further, it is awful that the Tories are indeed likely to win because it will also be a mandate for further cuts and austerity, maybe slightly lighter at best than before.

Normally it would be easy to decide who to vote for -- but Labour is still faffing with luvviedom, soft Brexit and 'free' movement of labour (never read Marx, obviously ) although not enough to gain the support (or even the neutrality) of the BBC. They are in the opposite bind -- Corbyn has also promised social reforms like higher taxes on 'the Establishment' (dear God - no other category?).

Anyway (again) today the Graun led (at least in my early edition) with the headline 

It's not too late to avert Brexit says EU leader. 
This has now been amended, together with the running order on the website, but it dominated even news of the Paris shooting. The story is a classic one based, no doubt, on a press release or leak from the 'European Parliament Chief', one Antonio Tajani (me neither).

Apparently, it could all easily be reversed if there were a new Government. Tajani would be happy, and thinks so would all 27 states. This was backed with a threat to veto the talks if EU citizens did not get their rights (increasingly coupled with a demand that the EU Court of Justice remain as the ultimate authority).

No need for all this labyrinthine discussion with the EU Parliament and all 27 states, it seems, if we wanted to stay. Only labyrinthine discussion etc if we want to leave. The Parliament Chief can wave his wand in the first case but not the second.

Luvvies seem to never learn that all this will backfire badly, except for those voting for 'Hard Remain' (who are never mentioned or discussed as a category, incidentally).

Meanwhile,the Paris shooting has become headline news. There is still a Little Englander agenda though (inevitably via Martin Kettle) -- it might encourage votes for hardline candidates for the imminent French Presidential elections, 2 of whom at least want to bin the euro and end the Schengen Agreement on free movement. Kettle worries about LePen 

by far the most ultra-right leader of a major western European state since the death of the Spanish fascist leader Francisco Franco 

but also

the uber-Corbynista candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon,  

Luckily there is Macron:

youthful, modernising, liberal on social issues, technocratic, financial backgrounds, Anglophone.

If only we had such a candidate to advocate some sort of Third Way, maybe one inspired by God to invade Middle Eastern countries while he was there.

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