Monday 15 May 2017

Female Guardian journalist grows a pair

Stop looking for sexism! I refer to an article by Zoe Williams on her feelings  about Brexit.

Williams is entering the reconciliation phase of bereavement it seems:

[Schadenfreude] has to stop. It may be the Brexiters who shot us in the foot, but we’re all the same body politic and we’ll all feel the same pain.

And, with only the merest whiff of self-importance:

The lesson here is not that we all have to knuckle down and accept a new centrism, as defined by whatever photogenic hotshot the universe delivers [E Macron].  Rather, it’s that sometimes to think critically and creatively about a problem, whether it’s Greek debt or Britain’s place in the world, you need to forget which side you’re on. You need to turn away from entrenched differences and concentrate on common causes. You need to stop looking inwards to your opponents, and start looking outwards for allies.

But the thing that drew my attention most, in my endless search for the emotional hurt that Remainers feel, was this, looking back on that same schadenfreude that sustained her for a year:

Obvious negative consequences of Brexit – the weakling pound, the brain drain, the needless, gargantuan cost, the clumsy, gaffer-taped shanty town set to replace the EU’s architecture, the almighty ball ache of going on holiday with a pompous navy passport – fill me with grim delight.

God, the horror of a (possible) return to the old blue passport!

PS her balls are still aching  with this from the Guradina 26th June:
High office looks like an almighty ball-ache

Someone really ought to protest her gender cultural appropriation. Honestly, it gets on my tits!

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