Saturday 24 June 2017

Revenge of the Nerd

The BBC a couple of nights ago sent E Davis to Brussels on the occasion of a visit by May. On display was the usual pettiness of the EU that insists the UK is still in the EU when it comes to paying in and obeying EU law for now, but excluded May from the room when they were discussing her proposals to give rights to EU citizens.

Those proposals were dismissed as inadquate by the EU which has, apparently, now simply guaranteed the rights of UK citizens living in the EU -- although when this actually happened is unclear and you can't always trust the news these days (!).

'EU citizens' (marvelous how they have organized themselves in a group with a spokesperson) were also reported to be unhappy because their rights were guaranteed under provisions in immigration law not EU law. So the requirement for the European Court of Justice to remain to guarantee these rights still seems to be the issue?

Anyway, little Evan Davis of the BBC was delighted to be in Brussels where he reported that everyone agreed with him, which at least saved us another hissy fit. He discussed the progress of the Brexit talks with the usual balanced panel -- an EU spokesperson and a journalist (?).The latter managed to be a bit more objective than the BBC and it was actually difficult to judge his own opinion. Fancy!

However, ED retained his broad smile with a summary that must have thrilled nerds everywhere -- 'we' all agree it is a lot more complex than it appeared to be.

[Perhaps I should confess to my own biases here -- I have said that many times]

BBC coverage also showed EU persons conspicuously moving on, with their new love -- Macron

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