Thursday 31 August 2017

Movin' up the Rankin'

More signs of Garitidian promise with a really quite good article by J Rankin on the disputes between the UK and EU  delegates in the discussions about the 'divorce bill'. The two positions are laid out succinctly:

Tensions boiled over in Brussels as the EU accused Britain of failing to reveal its hand on the financial settlement. UK officials hit back at the EU, saying some claims for money had no legal basis.... [a UK source said] “The UK has made it clear that it finds the EU position paper on the money unsatisfactory and nobody would sign a cheque on the basis of the commission’s paper,” said a source familiar with the UK’s position. “It is also clear that they have an issue with the current view around town that ‘serious’ means agreeing with the commission. The UK doesn’t agree with it.”

OK, tensions 'boiling over' is a bit dramatic for the continued willy waving,  but it is a good sound article. It would be good to hear exactly what the dispute about the legality of the claims amounts to but that might be excessive for a short article and Guardianistas might not get to the end, at least without constant references to emotions.

More please. 

PS. She seems rather less prominent these days (October), alas

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