Monday 6 November 2017

Another unrepentant...

Gisela Stuart, a former Labour MP played a prominent part in the Leave campaign, but you would never think that from media coverage.That focused almost entirely on Gove and Johnson, making the whole thing look like a contest for Tory dominance. The media probably found it hard to locate ideologically a female Labour Leaver (and still do), especially one of German origin. She more or less disappeared after the vote as attention shifted to Tory leadership issues. She quit as an MP at the last election and remains largely unknown and undiscussed.

Anyway, today she returns in the Staggers (which has done the best job overall in trying to allow Leavers a platform).The main aim is to dismiss the claims that Leavers are 'old racist and stupid' but she adds a couple of additional points too: (1) the UK did not join the euro or the Schengen project and so was already less than fully committed to the European political project (do Remainers want us to join these institutions now?); (2) the UK had always operated on a less national-state level with the Empire and all that so the simple choice between flawed nation state and internationalism was less clear.

OK, each of these is debatable, but it's a start...

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