Wednesday 28 November 2018

Shouts and whispers

The Gudrina has a short video to day featuring a certain Steve Bray, who dons a composite flag of the Union Flag and the EU banner, a blue hat with yellow stars and carries placards saying things like Save the NHS. He has managed to creep into shot behind the talent in live interviews from Westminster. He shouts 'No Brexit' at Parliament. He has become a TV personality.

So he's obviously passionate about Remaining, passionate enough to give up hours in his cause. What's in it for him exactly? The video is strangely quiet on any positive reasons for Remain:

'[Brexit is] bad for the nation...[he] believe[s] in social justice. Brexit is not social justice'

That's really it. He likes appearing on TV,  outmanoeuvering TV crews, shouting at and talking to politicians. He had one exchange with a UKIP supporter, reminding him there were no UKIP MPs, asking which EU law had oppressed him [no audible answer] and then, after some semi-audible remark about immigration, declaring the UKIP guy was 'nuts' and he had wrongly thought he was 'sane'. A passer-by muttered that there had been a referendum and he shouted 'Yes. In 1975'.

Typically, el GUardino didn't bother to ask him any questions or conduct an interview, so we have no more information about his passion or indeed about him.

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