Thursday 28 February 2019

More flaking*

The Guardian today speaks for all the worried petit bourgeoisie, I am sure.

Uncertainty over Brexit is ruining our personal lives 

Z Williams says:

I’ve never felt the public realm bleed so relentlessly into my personal life that I’m drenched in unknowables and can’t make any decisions at all...All questions end: “Wait and see what happens in March, I guess.” “Do we move house?” is merely the headline uncertainty that probably only affects a few. Where do you go on holiday when you don’t know what’s going to happen to the pound? This stuff matters. I have a friend who went to France last year and spent £25 on a chicken in a market. She said: “You know if you got mugged by your own parent? That’s what it tasted like.”... Is that supposed to be something only a spoilt person would object to? Is it tempting fate to renew a pet passport? Should your kid learn Spanish, or would he be better off with karate? Should you leave your diary blank from here on, block out some time for your own civil disobedience?

A marvellous illustration of flake in the face of risk -- risk about experiencing any changes to their congenial metropolitan lives.

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