Sunday 12 July 2020

Choose EU neolib globalisation over China and the USA!

Shock news from el godrino:
Vast Brexit customs clearance centre to be built in Kent
Exclusive: council given only hours’ notice of emergency purchase of 1.2m sq ft ‘Mojo’ site
As usual, the copy is slightly different:
“Plans have not yet been finalised for the use of this site, but is anticipated to form part of the Department’s strategy to minimise potential disruption at Kent ports for the end of the transition period. This is likely to involve temporary capacity for the holding of delayed HGVs and facilities for border-related controls to be carried out by government agencies (eg HM Revenue and Customs). More detailed information will be provided in due course.”... Bartlett said it was no surprise that the land was going to be developed as it had been empty for almost 10 years and that HM Revenue & Customs operations would be more welcome locally than the rumoured Amazon warehouse. “It is a huge tick that this creates skilled jobs,” he said.
The Observer adds legs to its continuing [sigh] anti-Brexit stuff with a contemporary anxiety about the Chinese:
It’s a pity that the Tory grandees who are making the most noise now did not raise their concerns much earlier, before Britain became dependent on Beijing’s favours to escape its Brexit mess.

Duncan Smith was rich in hindsight. In a race for trade and investment over the past decade, he said, “the free world has marched somewhat blindly into the embrace of [the] Chinese Communist party”. Unfortunately, it was now clear that China was intent on “complete dominance” globally.
Of course, it is not just Brexiteers who might have misjudged the issues:
David Cameron and the then chancellor, George Osborne, launched their bogus “golden era” in UK-China relations, promising ever closer ties.
But Brexiteers are still responsible -- for not speaking up: What was the Observer's take on it at the time?
So why did [the current Tory grandees] not object earlier? One possible explanation is that Duncan Smith, Davis, Fox, Paterson and other new-minted human rights defenders were ardent Brexiters, before and after the 2016 referendum. Their overriding priority was pushing Brexit through – and for this the appearance of a friendly relationship with economically powerful China was crucial....As international trade secretary, for example, Fox boasted in 2018 of cutting lucrative deals during successive visits to Beijing. This, they said, was the future. In their blind fervour for Brexit at any cost, they did not think things through.
We should never have left the safety and security of the EU, which is, I must say, the only good reason for staying I could think of, but it was and still is a nasty choice between three neolib globalists:
Yet now, six months after Britain formally left the EU and only a few short months away from a calamitous no-deal crash, what is Britain’s position? It is some way off even a basic trade pact with the EU. Desperate to cut a deal with Washington, its ability to resist unpalatable US demands declines by the day. Donald Trump is even pushing Britain to sign a “loyalty oath”, giving preference to the US over China. He wants UK backing for his dangerous “new cold war” narrative [which sounds as if the Obs might be supporting as well?]  Therein lies another huge trap....In China itself, meanwhile, Britain faces a vastly more powerful, scornful opponent that lacks respect for its values, believes (with some justice) that it can exploit British economic, financial and political neediness to get its own way, and which does as it likes in Hong Kong – as evidenced by last week’s withering tirade from its London ambassador, Liu Xiaoming.
The oriental devils have even made us lose face!

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