Saturday 29 August 2020

Perfidious Albion wants to make its own champagne

Signs today that the Brexit negotiators really know how to brass off Johnny Foreigner with this

 The UK government has renewed its attempt to reopen the chapter of the Brexit divorce treaty protecting specialty food and drink, such as Parma ham, roquefort cheese and champagne, in a move that left the EU chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, “a little bit flabbergasted”.

Makes a chnage form intolerably smug and complacent. Those dastardly Brits!

The UK government has renewed its attempt to reopen the chapter of the Brexit divorce treaty protecting specialty food and drink, such as Parma ham, roquefort cheese and champagne, in a move that left the EU chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, “a little bit flabbergasted”.
 Bit of balance

The government disputes the EU description of its proposal and argues Barnier is making unprecedented demands to tie Britain to European standards – demands, it says, not made on other trade partners such as Canada or Japan.

A UK government official said the British proposal on specialty foods was “in line with the withdrawal agreement” and would provide protection for existing and future GIs  [geogrpahical indicator -- EC term for labelling produce with place namsde]or both sides “as is standard” across the EU’s free-trade agreements. “The UK proposal would allow existing EU GIs that meet the requirements of the UK’s new domestic regime to be protected in the UK,” the official said.

 However, J Foreinger seems piqued:

One EU diplomat, who had not seen the text, said it was “not very useful because it focused mainly on offensive issues for the UK”, meaning issues where the government is seeking an advantage.

Offensive in every sense,possibly

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