Thursday 12 November 2020

Smug culture warriors finally feel safe

A typically insightful piece by A. Hirsch today in teh Graun on the legacy of British colonialism and how this will screw up the special relationship. It makes out current US politicians to be haunted by a semi-repressed past which will swamp [sic] their judgment.That's ethnic minorties for you -- resentful and superstitious. Check the psychological processes invoked in this:

With Donald Trump gone, Brexit Britain will be very lonely on the world stage

Vice-president-elect Kamala Harris is said to “hate” Johnson for claiming Obama held a grudge against Britain because of his “part-Kenyan” heritage. [Surely there are far better reasons to hate him?]... The prime minister’s comments have not aged well.... “shared cultural values”...whenever deployed by Britain, is almost always code for: “We colonised you once, and how well you’ve done from it.”...[really? Nothing to do with world wars? Cold War?]... victims of British colonial abuse in Ireland have, through a twist of fate, lent their ancestral memory [Celtic superstition now] to the new US president....[K. Harris's] grandfather worked for the British colonial government in India, where he strived for independence from the white supremacist ideology of the British empire.The power behind this empire earlier pioneered the enslavement of Africans that led Harris’s father, Donald Harris, to be born in Jamaica. [Very far reaching, imperialism -- it even impregnates women].

To be picky, slavery was well established before, but not an organised slave trade. That required capitalism.

There's an echo of one of her own failed recent cultural campaigns:

Tories pumped with pride from this same history – gloriously bragging in song that “Britons never shall be slaves” – are unlikely to find its seductive power holds much sway within the incoming US administration. The government ignored British ethnic minorities [one or two Twitterers] when we offered the truth of our own lineages [superstition again] to counter this propaganda.

It would have been a real victory if Hirsch and the others had stopped the song being sung at the Proms -- racism and imperialism would have collapsed immediately!

 And a bit of selective recent history in this:

Polling data shows that without minority-ethnic voters, many of whom had to overcome deliberate and systemic attempts to suppress their participation – the nation’s constitutional and political integrity would have endured a further four years of Trump’s wrecking ball.

Which ignores Trump's increased vote among some ethnic minorities -- but let's keep it simple -- those were clearly dupes of imperialist white supremacist ideology or Latinxs. 

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