Sunday 5 September 2021

Observer keeps the faith

 Well, W Keegan does. He is still right about everything:

Just how long will it take the electors of this benighted country to realise that they have been conned by the Brexiters?...The evidence mounts that Brexit is an almost unmitigated disaster. The slogan “get Brexit done” has been supplanted by “supply chain issues”. As a direct, and wholly predictable, consequence of Brexit, Britain is economically, culturally, reputationally, politically and diplomatically poorer....

The truth is that this country continues to want European standards of public service and healthcare, but nothing like the levels of taxation that our fellow Europeans are prepared to pay.As for Chancellor Sunak, by espousing Brexit he has helped to make the country poorer, thereby eroding the exchequer’s tax base. I think this is going to catch up with the Brexiters.

It is still one simple explanation -- not covid but European membership is the key. Quite where this will lead is less sure --rejoining? Keegan's personal vindication so he can die happy?

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