Friday 15 April 2022

Deja vu with Frexit?

 Some Graun worry abut Le Pen and the French elections reveal the operations of the EU in a familiar way. Let me say I have worries about le Pen all of my own, but they are different from the ones highlighted here. For the Graun

Many of her concrete policy proposals, however, blatantly contradict the obligations of EU membership....Her “sovereigntist, protectionist, nationalist” agenda would “totally contradict the French commitment to European integration [of other governments] ” and includes “proposals which are in total breach of the treaties to which France has subscribed,” he said....Key to Le Pen’s plans is an early referendum on a proposed law on “citizenship, identity and immigration” that would modify the constitution to allow a “national priority” for French citizens in employment, social security benefits and public housing – a measure incompatible with EU values and free movement rules....The same referendum would establish “the primacy of national law over European law” to allow France “not only to control immigration but, in every other area, reconcile its European engagement with the preservation of its national sovereignty and the defence of its interests”...Le Pen also aims to re-establish border controls on imports and people, violating EU and Schengen rules, and unilaterally cut France’s contribution to the EU budget – when the bloc’s multi-annual financial framework for 2021 to 2027 is already fixed. Further plans to cut taxes on essential goods and fuel would breach EU free market rules.
The EU as it exists today, Le Pen said earlier this year, was “neglectful of peoples, and domineering of nations”, an “intrusive and authoritarian” bloc locked into “a globalist, open-border ideology” that was “destroying our identity”.
We see the same old problems here though. Even if these policies are popular, even if they get the support of the electorate in France:
EU legal experts have pointed out that even so much as holding a referendum on the primacy of national law would be in breach of European treaties....[It would encourage others and this] .. “would be the end of a rule of law, values-based European Union”.

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