Friday 27 May 2022

Luvvie rues everything since Brexit

It has all gone downhill for A Horowitz, a writer,  and 'the author of the Alex Rider novels', according to el Garun, in a lament that recaps the stitching together of moral issues that the press and media have been undertaking so carefully (and sometimes not very carefully): Brexit/Boris/moral decline:

Britain’s decision to leave the EU made him “very personally upset”....he could not name anything that had made his life better since Brexit. “But it’s not only that. I’ve been so upset by the anger and division,” he said. “At the end of the day, we all lost because we’re so against each other even all these years later.”...he “can’t understand” the current government’s actions.Politicians have been saying things recently that are “blindingly, obviously untrue”, Horowitz said. He expressed dismay that despite the fact the public has seen photos and heard evidence, the government was willing to deny having gone to any illegal parties, and that others backed them up....
An old luvvie claim:
“And what I have now realised is that nowadays, the only place you can find truth is in fiction.”
Yet he is not fully at home in the new petite bourgeoisie yet, still not ready to subscribe to the Guardian or watch C4 News:

Yet the writer still has relatively Conservative views when it comes to social justice. When asked what his thoughts were on “cancel culture”, Horowitz said he was “very, very scared”. The author, who claimed in 2017 that he had been “warned off” writing black characters in his children’s books, said he thought there was a “culture of fear” in the children’s publishing world in particular. He said he was shocked by the notes his publisher gave him about things he “could or couldn’t say” in his most recent book.

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