Wednesday 8 June 2022

Brexit responsible for fake illegal drugs

 Good old Graun, ever vigilant with the issues that matter:

Brexit helping cause harmful increase in fake ecstasy, study warns

Covid and crackdowns also blamed as researchers find half of pills sold as MDMA at festivals in England contained none of the drug


Of course, 'police operations' may also be responsible for the pressures on the supply chain, but for the GRaun,. the main issue is that 'with the impact of Brexit still being keenly felt on legal and illegal markets, suppliers may continue to flood festivals and other events with fake MDMA, posing risks to users...“adulteration poses additional unknown risks to the health of people who use illicit drugs”' [as opposed to the known risks with proper MDMA?] Thank God there were never any fake drugs in the EC.

One research group says that:

dismantling criminal and dark web platforms may also have disrupted the availability of MDMA, and adds that the impact of Brexit, ranging from lorry driver shortages to fluctuations in currencies, probably played an important part.

It concludes: “This study highlights a period of unprecedented turbulence in the UK drug market. We suggest the shortage may be linked to Brexit-related disruptions to legal and illicit supply chains, combined with the stalling of MDMA production.”

Well -- first they came for our strawberries, then they made the tomatoes in BLT soggy, then they took away Italian trousers and Polish wine glasses --and now the racist bastards have stopped our kids enjoying proper MDMA at Summer festivals. The decline of civilisation goes on and on.

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