Saturday 9 July 2022

Johnson stands against new axis

 The Observer tries hard to keep up the momentum:

Germany and Ireland denounce Boris Johnson’s bid to ditch Northern Ireland protocol

Rare joint declaration indicates hardening of EU position on plans that more than 70 Tory MPs failed to vote for

I love the last bit -- more than 70 failed to vote for it, later rephrased as 'more than 70 Tory MPs abstained or were given permission to miss the vote'.

an extraordinary joint denunciation by the Irish and German governments....[nay]...a rare joint statement condemning the UK for “unilaterally breaking an international agreement” [appears]  in the Observer 

Gosh! Unprecedented! On with the arguments...

recent elections to Northern Ireland’s assembly, which delivered a majority of members who back the protocol, showed support for the current arrangements.  

Actually, I am not sure that is so. Certainly the largest party supports the protocol.I'll have to check.

While the UK’s proposals passed their latest parliamentary vote last week, more than 70 Tory MPs abstained or were given permission to miss the vote...Some MPs are already plotting ways to stop the government from deploying the plans, which effectively override the existing agreement. One plan, drawn up by Sir Bob Neill, the chair of the justice committee, would hand parliament a veto over whether or not the new powers in the bill could be deployed.

There is the familiar moral background:

“unilaterally breaking an international agreement”....risks undermining the “rules-based international order” just as the continent is attempting to confront Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine....the EU and UK must stand together as partners with shared values and a commitment to uphold and strengthen the rules-based international order....the UK government’s actions were disrespectful [the last from Varadkar]

 And the usual claims to sainthood:

the EU had been and would continue to be “flexible and creative” to deal with issues that have hampered trade between the region and Great the same pragmatism and readiness to compromise that the EU has shown. By working together – in partnership and with mutual respect – common ground can be found and challenges, no matter how difficult, can be overcome.”


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