Friday 4 August 2023

'You do the propaganda --I just ask the questions'

This is a classic C4 News view of its own heroic stance on news presented by egregious newscaster K Gurumurthy (Krish)  last night, interviewing a Trump defender.

I know this blog is not about Trump,and God knows I don't want to defend him, but the liberal hysteria takes the same form as it did over Brexit. Liberals just cannot see why anyone can possibly disagree with them over Trump, and get positively nasty and panicky if anyone does.This makes them very vulnerable, but doesn't seem to have any lasting effect on their arrogance. Maybe Lukacs was right and they simply cannot escape their own ideologies? No wonder they hanker for strong men.

Liberal journalists have never done well against informed Trump defenders.A few years ago, S Gorka wiped the floor with a hapless E Davies on Newsnight simply by challenging the source of own of Davies's stories about Trump's intentions. Davies didn't know the source -- Islington dinner parties no doubt -- and Gorka pounced with a tirade about fake news. Davies didn't know that his previous interviewee was at the centre of a scandal (about scamming free tickets on an airline or something) either. That was all over the Web but had not got to Islington, obviously -- another easy goal for Gorka.

A couple of nights ago, M Frei of C4 News questioned a Trump-supporting lawyer about the new charges against him and was reminded that the US First Amendment guaranteed free speech. Slightly surprised, Frei tried to respond by saying it did not allow politicians to tell lies -- and was dismayed to hear that indeed it did, on the grounds that electorates should decide.

Last night, good old Krish tried again, haranguing and interrupting a Trump supporter as ever. The interview had been set up,again as ever, with clips of the Capitol riots of Jan 6th, intercut with Trump speaking, clearly implying Trump had instigated the riots (the 'insurrection' or even 'the coup', C4 had called it -- so had the BBC). News that Trump had been acquitted of impeachment citing that charge was not mentioned -- British liberals cannot believe it.

Krish was well into it, asking the (female) spokesperson if it could be right that a liar was still running for President. She reponded with citing the First Amendment (C4 never watch each other's broadcasts -- or again can't believe contrary answers?) and asked why KM was still pushing this propaganda even before the trial. Hence KM's reply.

He did try once more, asking (unwisely, with a condescending tone) if she had actually read the charges. Damn right she had, she retorted, and asserted that there was no mention in them of any actual law that had been broken. Obvioulsy outgunned, and perhaps to forestall any challenge as to whether he had read the charges, he terminated the interview.

Incidentally, an article in the Times today predicts the same sort of effect of liberal outrage and horror that happened with Brexit -- it makes people even more suspicious of liberals and, in this case,more likely to support Trump, and, longer term,more likely to see the whole system in partisan terms.

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