Saturday 13 August 2016

Guardian values

Great example of the values of Grudian writers today. Owen Gibson, none other than the Paper's Sports Editor, says we should support the return of Premier League football today and the Olympics. True 'There are plenty of unwanted side effects, from the historic lack of trickle-down investment in the rest of the football pyramid to the rampant ticket inflation that has threatened to price out whole sections of the match-going public' Marina Hyde in the same newspaper has chronicled the ludicorus levels of corruption and fat-cattery of FIFA and the IOC --eg here (although she is also a Remainer)

But  'The real dent caused by the [Brexit] result is to the Premier League’s image, to the brand it has built over more than two decades'

 What could possibly do more damage than plutocracy and the rest?  Brexit is a blow to  'internationalism' and that is just what we need these days after Brexit! Internationalism -- solidarity with soccer-playing millionaires from different countries and a corrupt management with recruits from different nations,united in a common interest to screw everyone else.  

They all get on so well, see?

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