Wednesday 3 August 2016

Polly semic

Polly Toynbee in yesterday's Grundian had a marvellously convoluted argument to show how Brexit won through 'lies'.

The article began with the crisis in road haulage, the shortage of qualified drivers and the dreadful conditions they face. She says that the failure of wages to rise to attract more applicants shows market failure. There is also a failure of Government policy to impose a levy for apprenticeships on the trade or to regulate wages with a revised Wages Council scheme.

A report shows that employers like to attract EU drivers instead and pay them really low local wages. They are locally organised and hard to unionise. So there IS something in the view that cheap EU labour is being exploited as a reserve army. That was not a Brexit lie?

What was? We don't know how drivers voted, but we could guess. Apparently, employers also largely voted to Leave. How irrational, for Toynbee. Apparently they feared even more inroads of European drivers taking their business.But THAT fear was not supported by the report, so it was irrational for employers to vote Leave on the basis of that specific fear, and that showed Brexit lies.

I'm impressed that she managed to find a lie somewhere.

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