Tuesday 6 September 2016

Not so much in denial as in Fairyland

A truly splendid piece in the Grunaid today by one Hugo Dixon ,already a lobbyist for Remain, on why Britain might be able to stay in the EU after all. Apart from the usual bleats about how we woz all lied to, he offers several possibilities:

(1) Lots of Leave voters will change thir mind now that May has ruled out a points system for immigration
(2) More people will be attracted by Gordon Brown's view [such a popular figure!] that we could lead Europe into making fundamental reforms that would address economic slowdown and reveal that it was the UK Government that produced all the problems [including Brown's?]. Dixon's new campaign group will offer hope that the whole system can be reformed -- not just Europe but the world!
(3) Those in charge of negotiating Brexit will make a total hash of it and May will disown the whole thing
(4) Labour will elect a pro-EU leader OR will split and the righteous will join with pro-EU Tories in a new pro-EU party to demand a new referendum
(5) The legal challenge to the referendum will succeed
(6) The EU will reform its own policy of free movement of labour, especially after the unpopularity of the immigration policy [for people outside the EU, of course -- Dixon hopes the two cases will be confused by populist politicians]
(7) Changing public opinion --see (1) -- will force May into a U-turn

All these are admitted to be slender possibilities with only a 25% chance of succeeding:

But no Brexit is a good Brexit except, just maybe, the pure fantasy one promised by the leave camp [hilarious pot calling kettle black] . Some things are worth fighting for even when the odds are long. This is one of them.

This is actually one of those symbolic political gestures so Dixon can claim some moral high ground, like voting to oppose evil.Why did the Graun print this stuff? The first few comments are largely hostile, I am glad to say, despite a few agreements.

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