Monday 5 September 2016

Postures and pledges

It seems  the Japanese Government has issued a memo warning that they will pull out of the UK if certain basic requirements are not met on comptability with EU regulations. This was dressed up in the usual shock horror style in the article in he paper version,but is more moderate on the website --saying that Nissan is unlikely to disinvest (apparently because it is 43% owned by Renault and VW -- who knew?).

Obama has also said that the UK will have to wait for a trade deal with the US because TTIP with the EU will take precedence. If Brexit means we will not be in TTIP than that alone will be worth it. I think the US will also have to wait a long time before the EU countries accept it too

Meanwhile the other story is that May has not yet committed to a points system for immigration nor to spending the £350/100m on the NHS. At least the lower (net) figure is given now as an estimate by Leave, but these are still 'promises', 'pledges' and of course 'lies' , and Brexiteers were naive to believe them.

But could believers not work out that for them to be implemented, the Leave Party would have to gain power first, somehow? Was there going to be a new General Election? Would Leave dominate the Tory Party and all the Remainers resign their seats? The only people who thought that would happen were those in Project Fear who asked us would we want to be ruled by Johnson and Farage (the latter somehow without even being an MP)?

The issues are at least a bit clearer. If there is still excessive exploitation of short term immigrant workers, and a failing NHS, the UK Government is clearly to blame and will not be able to hide behind 'Europe'.

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