Monday 20 March 2017

OK Hitler made some mistakes, but he was pro-Europe

Remainers have a bit of ideological adjustment to do after several of the usual targets of liberal ire and disgust have come out in favour of the EU. These include T Blair, J Major and G Osborne. 

The first two are familiar figures of hate and derision respectively, but Osborne has attracted much flak of late for taking on lots of jobs after being deposed as Chancellor of the Exchequer when May took over. Being an after-dinner speaker (enormous fees) was bad,  but being a director of a bank (330k for one day a week) was worse. 

Positively evil was becoming editor of the London Evening Standard last week. A petition to demand he prioritise was signed by over 100k people.The Guardian expressed fears about Tory dominance of the media

But, but...the chap is likely to use his editorship to bang on about the dangers of Brexit, so he isn't all bad.

As a result, this was the headline of a Guardian article this morning:

George Osborne’s new role means we may find ourselves agreeing with him 

In our post-Brexit landscape, the former chancellor at the Evening Standard will be a rare voice speaking up for the much-scorned ‘metropolitan elite’ 

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