Tuesday 21 March 2017

Polly -- morphous perversity

Osborne could be a potent weapon in this Brexit war 

The beloved Polly Toynbee has joined the chorus rehabilitating G Osborne. She charts his dreadful record as a nasty finance capitalist grinding the faces of the poor -- but that sorry account is topped and tailed with a rehabilitation. Because George (Gideon to use his proper name) is likely to speak up for the Remainers AND, as Williams put it yesterday, his class groupuscle, the metropolitan elite.

Why would you want to welcome such a toad? Because it is war, Polly claims, and implies it is as serious as World War II

A war – and Brexit is a civil war – creates the strangest bedfellows. Think Churchill embracing Stalin, Movietone News hymning praises to Uncle Joe, our mass-murdering ally – just for the duration.
It never seems to dawn on Guardian liberals, that the  pursuit of finance capital and membership of the EU might be perfectly compatible. Instead, Osborne has to have some split personality, or a (Christian?) redeeming aspect to his personal nastiness.

Equal inexplicability features in this article too. Admittedly it is an odd stance by this bloke, and it does conform to the Guardian view that only dangerous right-wing nutters are in favour of nationalism,  but I bet we will not see any Guardiuna stories abour sinister online manipulation of Scot Nat voters.

Far-right millionaire: I'll use social media network to back Scottish independence

“I have been a fanatical defender of the union, but I am a pragmatist, and England is finished. It is not just finished because of the Muslim problem and immigration, but also because as of now we are looking at permanent Tory rule. There is no effective opposition to the Tories, so what do you want then – permanent Conservative rule for the next 30 years?”
He defended himself against potential charges from fellow loyalists both in Northern Ireland and Scotland of becoming an ally of the SNP. “The thing is, if you want to kill off the SNP, then have independence. It would be just like Ukip after Brexit, as there would be no need any more for an SNP once there was independence.”

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