Tuesday 22 September 2020

T. May apeal to the country-- latest

 After the devastating news that T Blair and J Major are against, the latest hammer blow is that T May also opposes the Bill:
Theresa May has launched a blistering attack on the government’s plan to give itself powers to renege on the special arrangements for Northern Ireland in the Brexit deal....She described the plans as “reckless” and “irresponsible” and said they “risked the integrity of the United Kingdom”, as they would not only tarnish Britain’s reputation globally as an upholder of the law but could contribute to a reunited Ireland....In a strongly worded speech in the House of Commons
The Graun describes the Bill in a rather sympathetic way, oddly:
And even cites:
The former Tory party leader Iain Duncan Smith said he did “not believe a word” of claims that breaking international law would undermine trust in the UK because, he said, the EU itself broke international law.

Back to the usual blame game with this, however:
Thousands of Britons living in the EU will have their UK bank accounts closed by the end of the year because of the UK’s failure to agree a post-Brexit trade deal.
Not an EU failure, of course. The Graun does note that:
the UK has legislated so that EU banks can continue to provide services for customers in Britain, the EU has not done the same.


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