Friday 18 September 2020

Your law-breaking tonite

 Breaking news (yesterday):

Parliament will be asked to override withdrawal agreement only if Northern Ireland protocol is undermined, says No 10

In its policy paper on Thursday, the government explained that it will ask parliament to support the provisions in the relevant clauses “only in the case of, in our view, the EU being engaged in a material breach of its duties of good faith or other obligations, and thereby undermining the fundamental purpose of the Northern Ireland protocol”...Examples of behaviour prompting the use of the measures included in the internal market bill would include, the government said on Thursday, the EU refusing to grant third-country listing to UK agricultural goods for “manifestly unreasonable or poorly justified reasons”.

Other examples listed include an insistence that GB–NI tariffs and related provision should be “charged in ways that are not related to the real risk of goods entering the EU single market”, as well as an insistence on export declarations for NI goods going to GB.

Under the Northern Ireland protocol, Northern Ireland would continue to enforce EU customs and follow product standards rules to prevent a hard border on the island of Ireland.

For some, it is not enough. Fuck NI, “I don’t know what my colleagues will do, but as far as I’m concerned this is a matter of principle.”, says Howard. Was he one of m'learned friends in an earlier life?

For dealing with the EU it seems to have been quite effective:

One senior diplomat said the EU had been “distressed and appalled” by the UK’s attempt to unilaterally rewrite the withdrawal agreement, but added that the bloc was determined to continue the talks.

Elsewhere, the Graun wants to tout for custom for yet another repeat. This appeared in the 'News' section! A good way to save a few bob, of course, as you pursue 'open, independent, quality news every day'

We would live to hear from people of European nationalities leaving – or thinking of leaving – the UK 


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