Wednesday 9 December 2020

Tit, tat, ratchets and upskirting*

Tit has gone so tat can be revoked reports the Graun:
On Tuesday, the government said it would abandon all the Brexit clauses relating to Northern Ireland in the internal market and finance bills following in exchange for promises by the EU to minimise checks and controls due to be imposed on food and medicines going into Northern Ireland from Great Britain from 1 January.
Even Maitlis on Newsnight considered (briefly) that this might be a result for Johnson. No doubt it was really superior wisdom and cosmopolitanism by the EC, though,and they had been quite right to be reproachful and annoyed at the UK provisions.  She soon recovered and asked an NI person whether or not he had expected Johnson would betray him
Meanwhile, you have to hand it to the EC who never stop trying. Some assiduous UK officials have spotted a few little timebombs concealed in substantial EC position papers. So that's what they spend all that time 'discussing ! This one is the latest. In true Graunperson terms:
For Downing Street, the clause is a “ratchet”. In Brussels it is said to be about “evolution” – a provision in the Brexit treaty that will ensure that as one side develops environmental, labour and social standards, the other cannot sit tight and enjoy economic advantages without there being consequences....The EU and UK have agreed to “non-regression” clauses in the treaty, which would ensure that neither side can undercut a common baseline of standards at the end of the transition period. But Brussels wants to go further. As the EU develops its rulebook on working conditions or the environment, for example, it is seeking a mechanism to ensure that European businesses are not left at an economic disadvantage if Britain does not step up its regulatory protections. 
It's evolution. Who could possibly object.  I wonder what the 'mechanism' might involve? Just shows how far-thinking and responsible these EC people are. Next step -- legislate for the entire world! In the name of environmental standards of course.
In an example of vital, independent, quality journalism the Graun conclusion is just a bit different:
EU member states are ever vigilant of anything that might offer the UK a competitive advantage. British political considerations are rubbing up against vital European economic interests in a dangerous way.

Makes a change from all that stuff about civilised tolerance and freedom opposed to narrow little-Englandism. The Graun nearly gets it at last!

However, the Times has the best story:
Upskirting barrister free to practise after blaming Brexit

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