Saturday 26 December 2020

Will the carp cover the egg? Guradina blusters on...

It seems liike the last minute attack of nerves that produced the editorial that shrieked that it was all going to end in no-deal because Johnson was such a cad and liar has left the GHraun with a bit of egg on its face to go with the carp. Never mind, there is still covid -- and no doubt climate change, the death of Gorge Floyd, slavery and lots of other things to fall back on. A bit of repair work on the sutures first:
Britain now confronts its most serious emergency since the second world war. It faces the unprecedented challenge of coronavirus while adjusting to a new diminished status outside the European Union. The country’s health service is at breaking point, and its future as a unified state is on the line. All this goes unmentioned by Boris Johnson, perhaps because he disingenuously promised that Brexit would save the NHS.
MPs will be asked to pass into law a hard Brexit – despite scarcely having had time to read the new treaty, let alone properly consider it. Without shame, Mr Johnson seeks credit for his agreement and the freedom to run our own domestic policy unconstrained by EU law. Gloating will deepen European mistrust and our isolation. It is also insensitive, as most businesses are ill-prepared for the changes.  
Does el Gruno seriously think that Scots nattery is actually more likely now we have left the EU? That the EU will import Scottish seed potatoes again once Scotland is independent?

And residual weaselling while searching for the moral high ground:
Sir Keir is, therefore, right to back the deal, but that will not be enough. To regain trust, he will have to find a narrative that convinces the public he is fighting the next election, not the last one. It would be a rhetorical error for Sir Keir to apologise for Labour’s opposition to Tory Europhobia. Under Mr Johnson, the Conservatives may ignore their own past, but they will never say sorry for it. Britain lacks a responsible government able to construct a coherent compensating policy for either of the twin crises enveloping the country. Under Mr Johnson it is far from clear that we will ever get one.

The Times review of their cartoons of the year also serves to remind us of the imagined horrors that so plagued the luvvie mind. Brexit would mean we had no choice but to obey Trump's agenda, forgetting that he had to be re-elected. If we wanted to eat chlorinated chicken from the USA we would have to agree to impose sanctions on China. Biden, meanwhile would refuse to cooperate with us because of his Irish ancestry. Ireland would be in flames anyway. And the shortages...

For me, there is already a sense of what the fuck was all the fuss about . It seems we have agreed to abide by most of the European standards if we trade with them and to let them fish in our waters for another 5.5 years until they can adjust.We do not have 'free' movement of EU nationals.  We have more paperwork. They have managed to punish us in minor ways like banning the export of Scottish seed potatoes and tampering with haddock repatriation prices. Any arbitration will not involve the ECJ. Did it really take all that time and effort, all that leaking and threatening, all that bluffing and backdoor manouevring to achieve that? 

What a horrbile authoritarian and dogmatic bullying outfit the EC turned out to be.



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