Tuesday 12 January 2021

Dutch confiscate our sandwiches!

The Graun continues to drip on and on. Is this really news or just something to give luvvies a chuckle over their pumpkin l;attes?

Leave.EU has left the UK, as Brexit forced the Eurosceptic campaign group to choose between its name and its country.

There are some bureaucratic hiccup stories. Here:
 Northern Ireland is facing disruptions to its food supply because suppliers in Great Britain are unaware of the Brexit-related paperwork needed to send goods to the region, business leaders have said.

And here
Scottish seafood firms say their businesses are in crisis because of Brexit-related delays and costs exporting fresh seafood and salmon to Europe....The extra paperwork, export certificates and Covid tests for drivers has added hundreds of pounds in costs to every shipment 

Generally, the BBC seems to have dug out some old Just-in-Tine stuff as well. It used to take 20 minutes to clear Customs, we were assured in one item, and now it takes 6 hours. So -- plan 6 hours in advance?  Bring your orders 6 hours forward? Too simple -- go out of business seems to be the preferred option.

I would have brought you the latest Keegan insight but that must wait because el Grauno doesn't like you reading more than 3 stories on their website. I'll do it tomorrow.

We may have avoided no-deal, but this is still Brexit tier 3 | Business | The Guardian

Meanwhile the Times has a cracker. For some reason it is not on the website but the headline of the article in our print version has :
Sandwiches Confiscated As Brexit Bites
The story concerned the Dutch police confiscating sandwiches from lorry drivers entering from Britain if the sandwiches contained prohibited meat or dairy products. Priceless examples of cosmopolitan sophistication.

We must retaliate immediately with a ban on inflatable sex toys from Amsterdam

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