Wednesday 6 January 2021

Guardian scores cheap points

Pretty shameless point-scoring in the Graun here (and even in the Times which had a similar headline): 

Mother fears son could die as Brexit stops medical cannabis supply

This poor kid developed a rare form of epilepsy , which might cause him to die. His mother found a form of medical cannabis which seems to offer some relief. Only a Dutch pharmaceutical company can supply it. After a campaign led by her, he can get it prescribed in the UK. Until now, the Dutch company was happy to fill UK prescriptions. Since Brexit, they are not happy to fill UK prescriptions or any opther overseas prescriptions that involve cannabis preparations. The Times, but not the Guardian, explains that this is Dutch law.  Dutch law, and the oversight of the negotiators of both sides, however understandable, might have inadvertently placed this kid in peril. He was in peril before Brexit, until his mother campaigned to alter what was then EU practice -- she had to go and live in Holland 'after money ran out'.

The UK Dept of Health seems to have handled this particular case rather insensitively, having realised the implications for this one case rather late  (the Times tells us 40 people are involved, although the Graun says 'only nine known boys worldwide' have this particular condition). So far they are suggesting alternative drugs,based on alternative recommendations by clinicians, but the mother of the child involved says this is unsatisfactory and might be dangerous. The Dept do seem to be taking a rather lofty and unsympathetic view:

to say ‘oh you can swap it for another product, sorry we can’t help’ it is grossly unacceptable. It’s very very dangerous and I’m really frightened about what is going to happen,” she said....[And]...Neurologist Mike Barnes who led the fight with the Home Office to get Bedrolite prescribed for Alfie accused the DHSC of “an astonishing level of ignorance” to think every cannabis product is the same when there are “147 different cannabinoids” in each plant in addition to terpenes which create very specific medical properties....“Each variety of cannabis is subtly different and you can’t just swap a child from one product to another,” he said.

That is not exactly the same as saying all alternatives are very dangerous, of course. The whole thing is nasty and looks unsympathetic -- but isolating Brexit as the major cause is shameless opportunism. Let's hope this case can be sorted out with a phone call and not some stupid governmental Barnier-type negotiation. 

It also shows how bankrupt Guardina ethics have become in a way which would shame liberal philosophers like JS Mill. Instead of engaging with complex issues where rival claims and rights have to be weighed, they go for some pious abstract sentimental appeal.







 Brexit, not bureaucracy, not EU intransigence, not negiotators' negligence tobalme:

No soultion either

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