Wednesday 23 February 2022

Labour for Brexit?

Interesting(ish)  news in el Grun amidst all the panic about Russia and Ukraine. That looks as if it might drive all the stuff about Johnson and his boozy parties, corruption scandals and rebounding affairs off the front pages for a bit. How did he persuade Putin to do it? 

Anyway, K Starmer is to make a speech setting out the new priorities for a Labour Government whenever we might get one of those. All pie in the sky at the moment of course, but the main points include:

Starmer: Labour will partner with private sector and take advantage of Brexit

Starmer’s support for the government partnering with companies is likely to dismay critics on the left of the party, while his focus on the opportunities of Brexit is likely to frustrate staunch remainers.

In other words, the Graun thinks it is all vague opportunistic stuff to distance himself from Corbyn and start to attack Sunak rather than anything too serious -- we shall see.

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