Thursday 17 February 2022

Zombies attack

More last twitches from the Remainer camp in el Garun yhesterday:

Why the panic among Boris Johnson’s allies? Because they know Brexit is unravelling

I’m the president of European Movement [writes M Heseltine] – Andrew Adonis is chair

[referring to the pressure on Johnson at home and abroad] did the wreckers of the European dream slowly begin to realise that if Johnson goes, it shifts the sands from beneath their feet?...“If Boris goes, Brexit goes” said it clearly enough.

 If the prime minister is found to have lied to parliament and to the people, what defence is there to the allegation that the Brexit cause – mired in similar controversy over lies and dissembling – was conducted with the same disregard for the truth?

 So did something happen in February 2022? Maybe it’s just a feeling, a cloud no bigger than a man’s fist, the first breath of wind before the storm when the Daily Mail and the Daily Telegraph employ two of their most renowned columnists to attack Andrew Adonis and myself [ah -- something personal as well] , merely for making the point that their hero may have feet of clay and take the Brexit house down with him. Perhaps they have smelled the wind, just as I have.

I return to the question I asked a while back -- what do the Remainers actually want now? What do they mean by 'Brexit goes' or 'taking the Brexit house down'? How exactly would the eviction of Boris lead to the UK rejoining the EU? Heseltine and Adonis returned to power on a tide of popular support? Immediate steps taken to reapply? Do they think it can all be cancelled after all?

Surely it now means only that they want some sort of vindication and petty revenge. More recruits for the zombies.



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