Saturday 2 July 2016

Out (of the EU)

I am well educated, with a PhD, and an MA, both from Russell Group (elite) universities. One of my degrees is in Economics. I have spent most of my professional life reading European writers in philosophy, social theory, and literature. My bookshelves are heavy with their work. Just as a quick list, I have read works by Adorno, Badiou, Celine, Deleuze, Eco, Foucault, Guattari, Hoffmanstahl, Irigaray, Joyce (OK he is Irish), Kafka, Lotringer, Marx, Nietzsche, Perec, Queneau, Ranciere,von Kleist, Weber, Zizek, and I could probably fill in the missing entries if I could be bothered to spend more time on it. 

I am not a racist.

I am not gullible enough to be fooled by ideology or phoney facts.

I voted to remain in 1975,when 'Europe' meant social democracy and a bulwark against globalisation,but I recently voted to leave the European Union.

My main reason is simple - -I wanted to make my small contribution to halting globalisation and neo-liberalism. I know that a simple vote to leave will not do that -- but it is a small step in the right direction

I have kept that quiet for now. The remain people are very upset, going through the stages of recovery from trauma --denial and anger especially. The angry ones are really very cross with we leavers, denouncing us as ignorant racists, open to lies from the Leave campaign. I'll be elaborating on my views a bit more on this blog.

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