Tuesday 19 July 2016

Snowflakes in July

Amazing material from Spiked! today:


The trials of a sixth-form Brexiteer

The emergence of Generation Snowflake, a cohort of fragile young people now arriving at university never having had anyone disagree with them, should not be a surprise. For we are growing up in schools where we are repeatedly told never to say anything that might be deemed offensive. Indeed, in the run-up to the EU referendum, my teachers’ intolerance towards ideas they deem offensive, or merely ‘unfashionable’, reached new heights.
When a friend and I outed ourselves as Leavers, the reaction among our peers and teachers was disgust, mixed with shock and horror, that a young person could possibly support Brexit. During the debates we had at school, it became clear that Remainers think that anyone who supports Brexit is a bigoted Little Englander. The contempt shown by my teachers for those who dared to have a different opinion to them was bad enough, but the real ugliness was only unleashed when their worst nightmare came true and Britain voted to leave the EU. There were tears, and there were recriminations.
As they had scarcely met anyone supporting Brexit, they could not understand how this had happened. Their only explanation was that the electorate was misguided, brainwashed, uneducated and motivated only by their hatred of immigrants. They were not at all embarrassed by their disdain for ordinary people. In fact, teachers and pupils openly said that democracy is a sham, that we need ‘experts’ to make the big decisions and that idiot Leavers should not have been able to vote in the first place. I’ve not been around long, but I have never seen anything like it. I knew this kind of loathing of the ‘masses’ existed, but in the past it had been disguised.

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