Tuesday 17 July 2018


Some signs of panic and despair on the BBC tonight as Brexiteers seem to be winning some crucial Parliamentary votes on amendments to  the Chequers deal. I suggested to my partner that this would bring about a military coup led by Brussels if we were not careful...

Talk about many a true word!! Ancient Tory Sir N Soames appeared on TV suggesting that perhaps the time was ripe for a National Government (a Government of National Unity, or GNU, or a Government of All the Talents, a GOAT). And blow me down if strange little tantrum-thrower E Davis didn't say something similar on BBC Newsnight. The Queen could ask someone to form a National Government if there was no confidence in any of the usual potential leaders, he told the audience. He also told one of his interviewees (he does tell interviewees quite a lot), that 'everyone was reading' a book about the last occasion when theUK had a National Government.

So -- stockpiling and preparation for a National Government throughout the whole of Islington. We would need military backing to control any popular protest, and perhaps that nice kind M Juncker could suggest a technocrat to sort us out in the interim, just like he did with Italy.

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