Thursday 12 July 2018

Sad metaphor bites luvvie in arse

A limp metaphor has creaked home to roost with the defeat of the England team last night at the World Cup. As the blog before this one shows, luvvies in the Gurdina were just developing the idea that the 'multiracial' young, urban and pro-European team embodied virtues shared with Remainers. Last night's BBC Newsnight programme had a curious panel of commentators -- 'authors' of course -- standing by to flesh out the latest signs from the zeitgeist to confirm this, but when the team lost they were left faffing around suddenly unwilling to develop any shared virtues. There was a half-hearted attempt at consolation in the usual ways -- the team was still young, they had achieved beyond expectations and so we were really right even though we were wrong -- but of sly, knowing triumphalism was there none.

Croatia's win invoked quite different metaphors with their national and political cultiure (equally unsound, no doubt, I hasten to add). The Guadrina headline was: :

Zagreb rocks: ‘We have heart, we are proud and we have been forged in war’ 

The story goers on to note that: 'This small, horseshoe-shaped country [with a population a fourteenth the size of England's]  is gradually emerging from economic crisis but is mired in political problems and has a small under-resourced league.' Not really Remainerish then?

There is also a lesson for liberal critics who just bang on and on about their own beliefs:

Croatia motivated by English pundits’ lack of respect, says Luka Modric

Real Madrid midfielder says media underestimated his side
‘They should be more humble and respect their opponents’


Remainers seem quite demoralized now their metaphorical nation has ben defeated, and in an emergency, luvvie housewives only do one thing -- stockpile

A no-deal Brexit survival guide: what food to stockpile

With news that the government is planning to stock up on processed foods in case we crash out, what should ordinary shoppers be looking to bulk buy?


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