Wednesday 25 July 2018

Reduce panic a few Times

I managed to get access to the Times report of the wit'n'wisdom of J Manzoni cited in the Toynbee article (blog below). If we take it as [dubious] raw material. we can see the extra negative spin put on it by P Toynbee.

The Government is to issue weekly ' bundles' of advice to small businesses. 

Up to 250,000 small businesses in Britain are about to be asked to start preparing to make customs declarations for the first time as part of the government’s summer campaign...Advice to British travellers to buy health insurance to replace reciprocal arrangements rendered invalid could be part of the campaign...Others have speculated that the advice will include warnings of huge disruption at ports and airports and advice on stockpiling food....5,800 extra civil servants had been recruited to cope with Brexit, with 1,000 more in the pipeline...
So far much of this echoes the solemn advice put out by the EC which is mostly about bureaucratic re-registration etc, a possibly naive reading would suggest.
John Manzoni, told MPs yesterday that ministers would have to balance causing unnecessary alarm with giving prudent advice. “There needs to be a narrative to say, ‘Actually we don’t want this to happen but we have to prepare just in case it does and here are all the things that we have to do’,” he said....Mr Manzoni said that Britain was doing what it could to prepare for a no-deal outcome. However, it was difficult to determine how “third parties” such as EU states, their local governments or private companies would act — and whether they would be “spiteful or ignorant” about the consequences. He added that a lack of co-operation could have “some horrendous consequences”....Mr Manzoni said: “There are supply chains for food and medicines; we have to put in place contingencies for those.”...The Department of Health had announced that it would stockpile medicines, he said. There were also “transport systems” that would have to be dealt with, and measures would be needed to care for Britons overseas.
What's all this about EU states, their local governments or private companies being 'spiteful or ignorant'? Surely the EC would prevent this and ensure that the binding rules etc were followed?

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