Saturday 6 October 2018

EC luvvies

Poor M J-C Juncker, President of the EC has been having a hard time from the British press more or less from his appointment. The UK Government opposed it, for example, and lost in the ensuing struggle (our objection was to his sharp financial practices when he ran Luxembourg -- the UK has never upheld that kind of thing!).  The Guardian reports some of the gossip about him drinking and about his father fighting for the Wehrmacht in WW2. His response is classic:

Jean-Claude Juncker has insisted that there must be limits to the freedom of the press as he accused British media of trampling over the human rights of politicians.

This is an excellent example of the inequalities at the bottom of neo-liberal notions of freedom and equality as noted before -- even powerful persons or eltites must be treated equally, as if they were not already enjoying the fruits of massive inequalities and using them to limit the freedom of everyone else. Juncker seems not to have got Brexit at all. From his lofty position, we seem 'pitiful':

the European commission president also lamented that the former prime minister, David Cameron, had blocked him from campaigning during the 2016 referendum...“If the commission intervened, perhaps the right questions would have entered the debate,” Juncker told a group of Austrian newspapers. “Now you discover new problems almost daily, on both sides. At that time, it was already clear to us what trials and tribulations this pitiful vote of the British would lead to. I am always amazed about what I am always blamed for.”

Cameron perhaps wanted to keep the very unpopular Juncker out of the limelight because it might have swung even more votes to Leave? The EC's helpful clarification of the right questions to ask might have been seen as a direct intervention on behalf of Project Fear  and blown the gaffe? The more cross and petulant he gets, the more we think we were right.

I welcome the appearance of some Remainers on TV because, every time they appear, hostility to them and to the causes they uphold increase. Alistair Campbell and Tony Blair are good value, especially when they remind us of their own merits as forecasters and their own civilized cosmopolitan values. Gina Miller is a plus. Vince Cable. Obama's folksy sermonising helped in the campaign. Recent interventions by the RBS CEO (below) or any other Remainer banker or industry fatcat are good. 

Guardian columns or diatribes on Newsnight or C4News could be even more valuable if anyone on the Leaver side bothered to read or watch.

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