Wednesday 3 July 2019

Now they've come for kids' toys!

This should do it in the Graun today:

No-deal Brexit could hit Christmas supply of toys, says Sainsbury's

Supermarket believes October deadline is ‘not far off the worst day possible’ for retailers 

Or this:

Brexit 'putting pupils off modern foreign languages' 

Teachers report shift in attitudes since referendum as well as complaints about harder exams

The copy, as usual, is pretty slight on the Brexit link,basing it on reported comments from some pupils, while it actually stressed the reported increased difficulty of the exams. Incidentally,the Times suggested that encouraging native speakers to take language exams meant they were getting the best grades, putting off the non-natives. Even elGraun admits:

Teachers have long complained about the perceived difficulty of gaining high marks in modern foreign languages, especially at A-level, with concerns that results are skewed by the current grading system putting non-native speakers at a disadvantage.

Luckily, there are major non-Brexit issues too to help us reassert proper British values and maintain our international reputation

The curated ear: why delicate, decorative piercings are the new tattoos 

There is a even a need for some display of petit-bourgeois cultural capital here:

Conch, rook, helix, daith: these words won’t mean anything to most people, but to an army of voguish women, they are immediately recognisable as the parts of the ear that can be pierced.


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