Tuesday 24 September 2019

Boris the outlaw

A good day for G Miller and ScotNats. The Graun reoprts that::

The supreme court has ruled that Boris Johnson’s advice to the Queen that parliament should be prorogued for five weeks at the height of the Brexit crisis was unlawful....“This second success for our client Gina Miller in the supreme court is a testament to her resolve to take whatever steps are required to ensure executive overreach does not become a feature of our democracy.

Miller for PM then.

Slightly less comforting must have been this:

No evidence Leave. EU and Arron Banks broke law, says crime agency 

The inquiry concluded that Banks took a loan from Rock Holdings Ltd, which he owned, and was legally entitled to do so. He was also allowed as an individual to then give the money to Better for the Country Ltd, which administered the Leave.EU campaign....The NCA statement continued: “The NCA has not received any evidence to suggest that Mr Banks and his companies received funding from any third party to fund the loans, or that he acted as an agent on behalf of a third party...“There have also been media reports alleging that Mr Banks has been involved in other criminality related to business dealings overseas. The NCA neither confirms nor denies that it is investigating these reports.”

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