Monday 16 September 2019

Old standby reappears -- house prices plummet!!

They have been predicting this since the referendum, but now there might be some evidence for a fall in house prices. The shock news requires a couple of amplifications. First, a headline scaring us that this is the

first September fall in house prices since 2010 

So a fall in one month breaking a 9 year trend. But a large fall nevertheless?

the average price of newly listed homes fell by 0.2%, or £730, compared with August.
Pretty much within the range of error for these estimates then? But we should all stay scared because:
Last Monday, the accountancy firm KPMG warned that UK house prices could fall by as much as 20% if Boris Johnson pursues a no-deal Brexit. The biggest falls would be in London and Northern Ireland, it said.

Project Fear masquerading as news as ever. I also like the customary weasel --if he 'pursues' a no deal, not actually gets one. So it is uncertainty and the operations of a few chancers trying to make a few bob out of it?

Back in Graunland there as, as ever, equally important issues:

Can a disco-house haven bring queer culture to Ibiza?

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