Tuesday 24 March 2020

Now it gets really serious...

Shocking news in the Graun today:

Waitrose limits shopper numbers as physical-distancing measure 
I hadn't realised until now, but pressure on Waitrose has increased because people have 'switched from dining out to cooking at home'

P Toynbee makes a very good point (at last):
Millions of people are about to discover something they didn’t know about British life....Many who see themselves as middle class will confront the reality of Britain’s nonexistent safety net.... There is no longer a safety net. People who have paid tax and national insurance for years and never been near the social security system will be turning to it in their hour of need; yet far too late, like trapeze artists falling through the air, they will find that the net beneath them has been lowered dangerously close to the ground and is badly torn... watch the shock as millions fall on the untender mercies of the Department for Work and Pensions, to discover what happened to benefits in the past decade...New claimants confronting universal credit’s obstacles may join the half who find themselves propelled to food banks
Meanwhile, the Graun is as ambivalent as ever about identity politics. It's OK when we do even aggressive social distancing (in the Bourdieu sense) but not when others do it.

The egregious H Freeman has this:

Is it OK to shout at strangers who aren’t social distancing? Absolutely 
While another story has this:
Teenagers held for allegedly coughing at and assaulting elderly couple
Thank goodness for attempts to maintain world-class professional journalism in these difficult times:
I have a foot fetish and it makes my girlfriend feel inadequate


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