Wednesday 7 October 2020

Infantile civil servants cost megabucks

Shocking news about those beneftitting from Brexit

Brexit drives government consultancy fees to £450m in three years 
A little bit of rowback just below:
Deloitte, the professional services firm, was the biggest winner, earning fees of £147m from public funds in 2019-20, compared with £40m two years earlier, amid a bonanza related in large part to Brexit [my emphasis]

day rates for management consultants working in the public sector range from about £1,000 for junior consultants to about £3,500 for partners....
last week the minister in charge of curbing Whitehall spending, Theodore Agnew, wrote a letter to senior civil servants saying the civil service had become “infantilised” by an “unacceptable” reliance on expensive management consultants.

 A bit of 'revolving doors' shock:

Many senior civil servants or ministers work for consultancy firms at some stage in their career, so there are often strong personal links or relationships between staff on both sides.

What job did O Robbins do after leaving the Civil Service? 

It seems to me to be a daming indictment of civil servants infantilised by decades of subservience to EC rules, and given their notorious Remain stance, perhaps paying for more independent advice was necessary?






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