Sunday 4 October 2020

Maybe it does all make a difference to the price of fish

Hints of late splits in the EC/European Community, reported even by the Graun. What on earth has come over them -- a dose of  news values?
Buoyed by support for idea from Angela Merkel, PM hopes to overcome French opposition
To a deal on fishing, that is. 
Angela Merkel, on Friday... described the fisheries deal struck by Britain with Norway this week as a “constructive indicator”....“I don’t think that’s a bad message at all for us, I think it is rather one that shows that one can find ways to come to an agreement,” Merkel said of the agreement between London and Oslo.
That just leaves the French:
Macron has infuriated other EU capitals by insisting that Brussels takes a tough negotiating position on fisheries in favour of the status quo under which France is a major beneficiary....A number of EU representatives in Brussels have privately counselled that a deal with the UK should not be jeopardised over fishing rights given its small economic value, prompting the French ambassador to describe such comments as “unacceptable” in one meeting.



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