Friday 22 March 2019

Latest GNUs

J Snow on C4 News has again begun interrogating his interviewees on where they stand on GNUs. With PVs and 'extensions' proving less likely, GNUs have been spotted amassing on the horizon:

The GUardian has

Top Tory donor: form unity government to solve Brexit crisis 

John Griffin, the taxi tycoon who has given £4m to the Tories over the last six years, said the party should reach out to MPs from Labour, the Lib Dems and the Scottish National Party if it is to emerge from EU negotiations with a successful deal.
It follows similar demands from fellow Tories including Nicky Morgan and Sir Nicholas Soames....“It is like the last world war. We have to get together, agree that we are in the middle of a crisis, and show that we are unified. This is not going to be fixed unless we all get together as a government – and I am talking about all parties. We need to get together as soon as possible. Tomorrow would be good.” [said Griffin]...Soames has previously mooted the idea of a national unity government, telling Channel 4 News: “I must say, if I had my way, we would have a national government to deal with this. It is the most serious problem this country has faced since the war.”

There is also the upcoming march (Gurdinas here) :

Brexit is a disaster, but it’s not yet a done deal. The Put it to the People March is our chance to demand a say  

Saturday’s march will once again allow new and marginalised voices to be heard. And when the dust settles, it’ll be the hundreds of thousands who took to the streets to fight for change who will be remembered.... Today’s politicians ignore us at their peril....We know any Brexit will damage our futures and leave us poorer. We know that allowing May’s deal over the line will only lead to more years of painful negotiations and bitter arguments. All the while, the chance to tackle issues of climate change and cybersecurity – which my generation are determined to do – will fall by the wayside as our country obsesses further over a disastrous project.

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