Saturday 30 March 2019

Young people's views and grassroots revolt

Forced myself to watch rather wincingly 'diverse' Graun video on the views of some teens on Brexit. Didn't learn much. Remainers stressed their own diversity against the monotony of MP backgrounds (private education,childish behaviour in Parliament) . They saw themselves as interested in change, and having more empathy. One said she would feel more limited in what she could or where she could go. One just wanted to stay in the EU. Nearly all of them said they didn't really understand some of the terms and/or others did not understand them (so common it must have been a Guardian prompt?). One or two (!) Leavers saw the opportunities for Britain, one farmer mentioned a better market for British food. One student, who claimed to be from a mixed European background himself,  said he felt under a lot of pressure from his mostly Remainer colleagues and fellow Hall residents.

Elsewhere, more grassroots revolts seem imminent. D Grieve has just lost a confidence vote in his constituency to the Graun's chagrin. He must be about the fifth or sixth. It leaves them very open to the Great Toynbee Argument. Why should they think they have any right to determine the national interest, especially in revoking Article 50, when they are not going to be MPs much longer?

On TV , the BBC covered the pro-Brexit marches outside Parliament and estimated the size of the crowd as 'many thousands'. C4 decided to expose a Leave contributor and marcher for having links to a right wing outfit on one of his FB pages. Both reported the presence of T Robinson ( 'real name StevenYaxley-Lennon'). The Graun claimed that 'Those attending [the Farage march] ranged from far-right activists through to Trump-voting Americans and French supporters of “Frexit”.'

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