Friday 24 May 2019

Guardina does some reporting!

The Guadina has a rare article indeed, actually trying to ask Brexiteers about their views, prompted,no doubt, by the expected success of the Brexit Party at the Euro elections yesterday. To add to the turmoil,May has finally announced her resignation date too, so the ground might be shifting a bit --so the Graun might be shifting a bit too if its own long campaign to bang on and on seems equally tattered

It's not a bad article, although it must puzzle lots of loyal Garduinaistas: 

Supporters look to Nigel Farage to unite nation and introduce ‘down-to-earth’ politics

Margaret West was feeling happier than she had for months. The Blackpool rock‘n’roll dancer and former education worker had been so angry and stressed over Brexit she’d lost sleep over it, felt ignored by politicians and unfairly insulted online for voting to leave....she is one of more than 100,000 Brexit party supporters who donated online, put stickers in their windows and went to Farage’s roadshow rallies...

On a broader canvas:

Viewed from abroad, there has been growing interest at the Brexit party’s well-run European election campaign, because until recently Britain had been seen as an exception to the rise in parties styled on a model of the people v the corrupt elite...people respected political institutions and the traditional party system. The Brexit crisis has appeared to blow that trust apart.
There are hints of dark artery:

the professionalism of local party organisation and the slick online campaign that stood out...With its model of online activism, the Italian movement had quickly leapt from populist protest group to government coalition partner. Farage, the former Ukip leader, has notably set up his new party like a business, ensuring tight control without the internal wrangling that has made traditional parties seem ungovernable during the Brexit crisis....Campaigners said the party deliberately pushed an optimistic message during the European election campaign. It talked about protecting democracy and the Brexit referendum result. There was little talk of immigration and more focus on disgust at Westminster than the EU, deliberately appealing across old left-right divides....French geographer Christophe Guilluy has likened Brexit supporters to France’s yellow vest anti-government movement – a disaffection with the political class that is likely to last. He said political powers in the UK would not be able to address Britain’s political crisis if they haughtily dismissed leave voters as “xenophobic old people from Yorkshire”.

One of the more extraordinary converts (for Guardina folk at least who have never understood anti-elitist solidarity):

Claire Fox, the long-time Communist Revolutionary party activist who led the Brexit party campaign in the north-west, sipped her pint and addressed her pub audience: “Politics has come alive!” she said, likening the party to Manchester’s pro-democracy Peterloo massacre. “Let’s get organised and launch a new kind of down-to-earth politics!”...As for the “racism stuff”, opponents were levelling at the party, Fox said: “One third of ethnic minorities voted leave. The idea of calling us bigots – how dare they?”...Many in the room said they felt under attack in a polarised political landscape....Nadine Mason, a student nurse who wants to run for Westminster for the Brexit party, said there was bullying. “Every single person in this room has had someone calling them racist, Nazi, bigoted, or that they hadn’t known what they voted for when they chose to leave the EU,” she said. “Women died for us to have the right to vote – us working-class people – but now we’re being told that we’re not bright enough to vote.”

In the name of balance, of course, the Graun also discusses ChangeUK:

At the finish line of Manchester’s half-marathon [shows they are nicepoeople] , the north-west candidates for the new pro-EU party, Change UK, stressed that they were political newcomers... “I don’t need much persuading, I’m politically homeless,” said Ian Carnegie, 65, a pro-remain Labour voter from Yorkshire....David Shimwell, a businessman and former Conservative, campaigning for Change UK with his two poodles, said: “Disaffection with politicians started with the MPs’ expenses scandal. Politicians have had a bunker mentality ever since. That allows Farage to say the system is broken and how corrupt they are. Politicians have to get out of the bunker and sell politics back to the people.”... Change UK candidates have echoed Macron’s initial message of offering “hope” and “listening”. But Macron’s party was built around a charismatic leader...Natasha Correia, 23, who worked for the NHS, said: “Being a British-born person of colour after the Brexit vote, you could feel a kind of tension, people asking you where you were from. It was quite upsetting.” Describing herself as conflicted over party politics, she said she liked Change UK because it was something new.

And there is a last Gurediansit paragraph:

Graystone [a former community worker] said many emotions were at play. “Both Nigel Farage and Tommy Robinson had fathers who left them when they were young. Both of them are in some ways desperately looking for attention. I’d love to sit with them to talk about that.” [No doubt in a political correction facility].

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