Thursday 16 May 2019

Labour luvvies get back to serious politics

More encouraging news from el Grudanio today that Momentum activists are turning to proper politics(including intra-Party struggles) again with proposals for the new Labour manifesto: 

Grassroots campaign group wants party to champion green new deal and four-day working week

With Westminster politicians deadlocked over Brexit, which has divided Labour activists, Momentum wants to use its 40,000-strong membership to influence the direction of policy on other issues....It also hopes to act as a bulwark against the influence of MPs from the social democratic wing of the Labour party....Momentum has declined to take a formal position in the Brexit debate, though its national organiser, Laura Parker, is a vocal remainer, who is now standing as a Labour MEP, and addressed the Put it to the People march.

There is also a revival in the Great Bus Lie Scandal, perhaps to coincide with a move to make B Johnson defend his endorsements in court. Says the Grudinao:

Jean-Claude Juncker has said he regrets failing to rebut claims made in the run-up to the Brexit referendum about the hundreds of millions of pounds the UK would save each week if it left....he could not understand why he had failed to speak out...“In hindsight, failing to rebut the claim that the UK sent £300m [sic] per week to Brussels without drawing any benefit was a mistake.”

The Graun points out that:

The Vote Leave campaign’s famous claim, “We send the EU £350m a week: let’s fund our NHS instead”, has been widely debunked since the referendum, including by the Office for National Statistics.

Readers of this blog will know that the (lowest estimated) net sum of £110m per week, which replaced the £350m gross figure also widely debunked the claim that the EU was a benevolent organisation that went round philanthropically funding useful social schemes in Britain out of its own pocket. The benefits we drew were less than the non-benefits we paid in by quite an amount, everyone realised.

Juncker also claims:

“The truth is, for over 40 years people in the UK have been told that they are in the EU, but only for economic reasons and that the rest, the union based on values, is of no interest, so it should come as no surprise that people in the UK voted the way they did.

Based on values! Whose bleedin' values?  Voting for Leave wasn't based on values of course, just on lies about immediate benefits.

Juncker also exercises his well-known deep understanding of British voters:

he counselled against a no-deal exit for the UK, a proposal that has been backed by a series of cabinet ministers in recent days given the lack of progress in the cross-party talks....Juncker said: “I am against a ‘clean break’. We know precisely what that means, in every detail. People in the UK were not at all clear about what a ‘no’ means.

Although below, when asked to explain why the Austrians had recently criticised EC bureaucracy, he said:

“I have enough to do analysing my own psychology without trying to analyse other people’s.

Quite. Anyway, he is to enter the fray to bring sweet reason -- and values
Juncker had warned last month that he would speak out ahead of the European elections if he saw Brussels being unfairly criticised for electoral advantage.
Bring it on!

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