Friday 13 December 2019

Doom gloom and expensive strawberries

The Graun is obviously licking its wounds from the stupidity of the electorate rejecting its clear advice yesterday. What sort of world are the electorate in?

 Reactions of the expert election panel ranged from the eschatological:
‘Resistance is necessary, and sustaining the youth movement essential’...‘This country will become one large hostile environment’ [for ethnic minorities] ... ‘Johnson has reason to fear a second [Scottish] referendum’...‘Tories ‘getting on with it’ doesn’t include climate action’
To the why-oh-why stuff:
‘Immigration was a trump card Johnson played tragically well’...‘In Wales, the union’s tectonic plates are shifting too’
Nothing to do with Brexit really then

P Toynbee is clearly on the edge:

The nightmare has happened. The worst of men [!] is elected prime minister. The hardest of times [!] lie ahead....Five crucial years will be lost in the fight against the climate crisis....The shriveling of every service is cemented into his budget plans...everything else destined for never-ending decline....We Cassandras have wrung our hands and howled out loud warning of rising poverty, homelessness, collapsing legal and social care systems, living standards in reverse. Yet people voted for all this woe.
Yes they did. It's still inexplicable for poor old P. Toynbee. It might be those pesky old people again? No --the media.
Who is to blame? There are the lies of the extreme Tory press...
And the Freudian nightmares are getting worse:
Anyone listening hears his plans for revenge on all who thwarted him
She turns on Labour:
How bad did Labour have to be to let this sociopathic, narcissistic, glutton for power beat them Labour was disastrously, catastrophically bad, an agony to behold. A coterie of Corbynites...sectarian decisions...Len McCluskey clique – Karie Murphy, Seumas Milne, Andrew Murray and others who propped up the old fellow [she really does have a contempt for the old doesn't she?] to secure their own power base...Corbyn is not an amoral man. He can never tell a lie...[but].. He is a man without any qualities required of a leader, mental agility, articulacy, strategy, good humour or charisma.
Most of all, the Labour Party should have been the SDP of the 1980s
Had he led his party and the unions full tilt against Brexit, the narrowly lost referendum could have been won...Festering Bennite 1970s ideologies blinded his sect from seeing Brexit was the far right’s weapon of buccaneering destruction. He could have saved us – but he obfuscated....Corbyn came weighted with baggage...antisemitism was accusation [sic] he could not shift....serious heavyweights Keir Starmer and Emily Thornberry [were sidelined]...leaving immense talent wasted on the back benches.
The manifesto was essentially magnificent. ... [but]...The political landscape was never prepared, soil untilled, last-minute policies falling on stony ground. Where was the simple five-point pledge card?
Voters can barely read, let alone get through Labour's Manifesto. Five points would suit them. Where were the emotional appeals, for that matter, the simple homilies that proles respond to?

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