Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Last push to Remain

The Graun makes an impassioned (do they do any other kind?) appeal on the eve of the Election

The country’s future direction, its place in the world and even its territorial integrity are all at stake, primarily because this is a decisive election for Brexit...There is still a deep longing for community, but how to give meaning to it without giving way to exclusion or xenophobia remains unresolved....The Guardian’s long-held beliefs of internationalism, sustainability, social justice, constitutional reform and liberal acceptance are the standards by which this newspaper measures today’s adversarial politics and the imperfect set of choices that faces voters. ..Any form of Brexit would be a tragedy for this country, but Mr Johnson’s would be disastrous.
 Their choice might be guided by this:
In his brief time in office Mr Johnson has behaved outrageously. He has lied to the Queen, lied about Brexit and runs scared of serious interrogation. He is a divisive figure with a record of deliberately offensive comments. He bullies institutions such as the BBC and the judiciary for daring to hold him to account. His party’s manifesto dog-whistles with slogans hinting at a hardline approach to immigration. Hate and division have flourished under him. The claim that he can bring Britain together is risible...

Mr Corbyn has had a low-key and troubled campaign. His best moment was his exposure of the danger to the NHS from Mr Johnson’s US trade deal plans. Labour has good ideas. But it may have overwhelmed voters with its gigantic offer...Anything less than zero tolerance against racism tarnishes Labour’s credentials as an anti-racist organisation. The pain and hurt within the Jewish community, and the damage to Labour, are undeniable and shaming.
Tricky, then.But after all that doubt, the Graun offers us some 'prime knowledge' (as in televangelism's message of sure and certain hope at the end of all the confusion and despair).One truth shines through and caps even racism:
This election is critical because the country is in the last-chance saloon on Brexit...It is not enough to tackle Brexit. The next prime minister must tackle the causes of Brexit too [not the reasons people actually give, of course, like wanting sovereignty or opposing unlimited immigration, but the causes of the poor saps' confusion].
So the Graun goes for it:
Despite our misgivings, we believe that a vote for the Labour party offers the best hope for the country. A Labour-led government seems only possible with the support of parties that back its policy on a second referendum on Europe. It is likely also to have to meet the demand for a second independence poll in Scotland. That means backing candidates who can defeat the Tories in constituencies where Labour is an also-ran – from the SNP, the Lib Dems, the Greens and Plaid Cymru to pro-European independents. Think of the electrifying impact of relieving Mr Johnson of high office and stopping the pro-Brexit Tory party in its tracks. Thursday is a fleeting opportunity to stop an unwanted national calamity – and address the reasons behind it. Voters must seize the day.
Remain uber alles as usual. On this momentous day, other important events include:

Hannah Dines on going public with her labia surgery: ‘It started a big conversation’ 
Images of whiteness: can we imagine a world without white eyes? 
 followed, just below with:
'I woke up with a black eye': readers on their mobile phone injuries

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